Green Initiative

Zero waste to Landfill Site

At Rialto, we follow the 5R principle (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle). Like its rejects, nothing is allowed to go as waste. More than 99% of the waste generated at Rialto is recycled and reused. Rialto aims to become a 3rd Party certified “Zero Waste to Landfill facility by 2023.” 

We identify useful ways to reuse the waste generated, either within our facility or beyond our facility.  Waste is segregated at the source of generation and stored appropriately.

  • Paper and Plastic wastes are sold to authorized recyclers for recycling/reuse.
  • Bio-degradable wastes are converted to organic manure in the vermicomposting yard at the site.
  • Process rejects were recycled and reused as packaging material for our product.