
Global roll-out of Rialto innovations by P&G

Innovation, is one of the toughest challenges a company faces. It is anything but business as usual. Getting the employees to think creatively, while still keeping the everyday operations running smoothly is a tough ask. There are no reliable templates, rules or processes. However, at Rialto innovation is encouraged by making it ordinary, the norm. There is an exclusive Head of Innovation in the company looking at ways and means to innovate products and processes. All the innovations at Rialto are a product of deliberate initiatives taken as a matter of routine in its labs, production lines and beyond. In fact, there have been as many as 38 initiatives running in parallel in a single month at Rialto. This practice has reaped rich dividends for the company.

All of Rialto’s environmental sustainability projects like Back card substrate, Shipper, PET, POF, Regrind Cassette etc. have been a product of these initiatives and have been taken globally by P&G to take advantage of the benefits. Currently Rialto is working on recycled plastics in the use of toothbrush handles, with a local partner. Rialto is collecting all the information required to connect with the supplier and kick start the activity.